Our lawyers are courtroom advocates not merely paper litigators. We possess years of collective experience acting for plaintiffs and defendants in high-stakes disputes. Our strength lies in the intellect, creativity and tenacity of our lawyers in applying those traits to achieve great results for clients in serious matters. We are known for our advocacy and willingness to take on tough cases. We outthink and outflank our opponents and are always trial-ready. We are committed to pursuing aggressive and innovative approaches to your most challenging legal matters and are particularly attentive to the broader business, legal and public relations implications of the matters we handle. We have achieved exceptional results for individuals who are facing an investigation or charges, administrative proceedings and civil cases all at once. Our firm possesses the necessary experience and expertise required to effectively handle complex litigation on multiple fronts. Pradeep Chand with his criminal law related experience as both prosecutor and defence counsel is formidable who is ready and able to take on these difficult cases, protect their client’s interests and obtain the desired results. We are available around the clock to protect and advance your interests and look forward to serving you.