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ONTARIO EXPANDING THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES THIS SUMMER Starting in August, the Ontario government has announced that consumers will be able to purchase new products like coolers and other ready-to-drink beverages alongside more pack sizes at grocery stores that currently sell wine or beer
CHAND & CO. TO COMMIT TO LEGAL ASSISTANCE WITH LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATIONS FOR CONVENIENCE STORE AND GROCERY STORES Chand & Co. is committed to ensuring that your liquor license sales application is completed correctly and ensures that they follow the guidelines and best practices set forth by the AGCO throughout the application process.
2024 Happy Holidays from CHAND & CO Chand & Co. wish you all a joyful holiday season and a New Year filled with prosperity and good health.
REAL ESTATE LITIGATION: PARTIES’ FAILURE TO CLOSE TRANSACTION According to our civil litigation lawyer, buying and selling property in both commercial and residential settings can be a very exciting time.
LATENT DEFECTS OR HIDDEN DAMAGE IN REAL PROPERTY TRANSACTIONS According to our civil litigation lawyer Toronto, when buying or selling a property, parties should be mindful of the defects that are and are not disclosed before entering into an agreement of purchase and sale.
CANADA CRYPTOCURRENCY LEGAL REGULATION What is “cryptocurrency”? How is it regulated in Canada? Where did it come from? In this article, our civil litigation lawyer in Toronto addresses these questions and to provide you with guidance on legal aspects of cryptocurrency in Canada.
DEFAMATION LAW Defamation refers to a false statement made about an individual that can potentially harm their reputation and give rise to damages.
2022 CHRISTMAS TOY DRIVE Chand & Co. is pleased to announce that our 2022 Christmas Toy Drive was a huge success.
DOMESTIC CONTRACTS Generally, a domestic contract is an agreement between parties concerning personal, family, property, and/or relationship matters.