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STAGES OF A CIVIL LAWSUIT IN THE ONTARIO SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE 1. Commencing a Claim: If a person wishes to sue for $25,000.00 or less, than the proper place to start an action is in the Ontario Small Claims Court.  For claims that are over $25,000.00, the claim must be commenced in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
ONTARIO WELCOMES NEW LITIGATION FIRM Chand & Co. will open its doors in both Toronto and Ottawa this March. The firm, founded by partners Pradeep Chand and Murray Snider, will focus on: Civil and Commercial Litigation, Regulatory Compliance and Defence, Administrative Law, Professional Regulation and Discipline, Criminal Defence.
DRUG-IMPAIRED DRIVING Being convicted of impaired by drug charges has similar penalties as being convicted of impaired by alcohol charges. This area of law is complicated and carries with it significant consequences for those charged with impaired driving.
TIP SHEET FOR CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS OR CHARGES If you are charged with a criminal offence or under investigation the action you take early on can either significantly damage or improve your defence. Chand & Co. has put together tips to ensure you avoid making common mistakes.
FILING A LAWSUIT IN ONTARIO If you have been treated unfairly by someone, you may have already considered filing a lawsuit against them. A lawsuit is often the most effective ways to get redress for the wrong you have suffered. However, the process is often long, and rarely simple. This article will outline the civil litigation process in Ontario.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON DRUG OFFENCES Drug charges, depending on the type and quantity, can result in serious problems for an individual found to be in possession. If you are being investigated for a drug offense, you have the right under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to contact legal counsel before police begin to interrogate you. It is important to exercise this right as soon as practicable.
BAIL HEARING PROCESS AND PROCEDURE After an arrest the bail hearing provides an accused an opportunity to be released from custody. Under these circumstances it is of vital importance to make sure you know your rights. When your reputation and freedom are on the line you want a lawyer you can trust.
EMPLOYMENT LINGO: “YOU’RE FIRED” NOW WHAT? With the downturn in the economy, more and more people are losing their jobs. Many go to work every day fearing it might be the day that they hear the words “You’re fired”. Minds start racing. How will I pay my bills? How will I support my family? Where do I even begin looking for another job?
A PRIMER ON THE ONTARIO MOTOR VEHICLE INDUSTRY COUNCIL As you may be aware, if you are a registered dealer of vehicles in Ontario, you are governed by the Ontario Motor Vehicle Industry Council (“OMVIC”). OMVIC is a public interest body that licenses and regulates motor vehicles in Ontario. OMVIC isn’t simply an investigate body, it also administers and enforces the Motor Vehicle Dealers Act on behalf of the Minister of Consumer Services.